Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Unforgettable Mt. Romelo Day Hike

After the success of our Taal Volcano hike I wanted to level up the hiking experience of my group. So I decided to organized a day hike in Mt. Romelo last November 24, 2013. 

Mt. Romelo stood in 300 MASL and nestled in the town of Siniloan, province of Laguna. It is known to others as Mt. Romelo but others call it Mt. Famy  which is the name of the neighbor town of Siniloan because they mistakenly known that it is part of Famy. The best attraction of the mountain is not the peak itself but the  several falls that nestled in the mountain.

I invited my friend and former workmate Luigey to guide and assist my group during the hike. He is the one who introduced me to the world of hiking. 
At four o'clock in the morning we left Manila to Siniloan, Laguna. We rented a jeepney for our group transportation and our travel time was approximately 2.5 hours. And from this on I will let the pictures speak about our hike experience.

Our first stop to buy packed lunch and Mauro's (superman shirt) first taste of taho maid in the Philippines
arrival near the jump off point
Our first river crossing going to registration area
Registration fee is P50/head.
At the registration area
After we registered, the hike had begun.

One of our attendees rented a horse on the way up. Riding a horse is P300 each way or P600 for back and forth.
Horse Riding
one of the falls
Take 5 - five minutes of break

The trail belongs to 2/9 category but because it did rain the other night before our hike, the trail became more muddy and slippery.

still all smiles even with the difficulty of the muddy trail
One of the difficulty we experienced was the presence of limatik on the trails.
A full limatik was removed from one of our member's leg
Limatik is a kind of leech that sucks blood from its victim, it is commonly found in any rain forest  in the Philippines. Do not ever try to remove it by force or else you will end up hurting yourself because the skin being suck my the limatik is an open wound. The best way to remove it is by spraying alcohol or putting a salt on it.

At last after more than 3 hours of hiking, crawling, and sliding we reached the camp site. The super muddy trail really slow us down.

Camp Site
Camp site arrival
We took some rest and eat snacks in the camp site then we begin the exploration.

On the trail going to Buruwisan Falls

Just below the campsite the famous waterfall in Mt. Romelo, the Buruwisan Falls is situated. From the campsite you will only need 10 minutes to reach it but be careful as the trail is steep.

Buruwisan Falls
Buruwisan Falls is 180 feet high. It is ideal for rappelling but because we have no gears we were contented staring to its majestic beauty.

We didn't visit the other falls in Mt. Romelo because of our limited time. Just after our lunch we just rested for awhile and we descended immediately. I knew that on the state of my group and based on our paces going up, the night will approach us on the trail. 
On our way down, most of the girls preferred to ride a horse. 

And the winner for the best muddy pair of shoes after the hike is...

Do u recognized the shoes?
I will share some comments of some of the attendees.

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