Monday, June 16, 2014

Puting Buhangin with Kwebang Lampas: The best beach of Pagbilao

Puting Buhangin with Kwebang Lampas
I was sad and disappointed in Dampalitan beach but when we arrived in Puting Buhangin after 30 minutes of boat ride my sadness turns into joy. Puting Buhangin means white sand and kwebang lampas is a sea cave.
This is our second destination as we availed the boat package of 1800 pesos boat rental good for 6-9 persons with three destinations: Dampalitan Beach, Puting Buhangin and Borawan Beach.

Puting Buhangin beach true to its name has fine white sands. It has spacious shoreline and lots of coconut trees that shaded you from the heat of the sun.

Entrance fee is 80/head and cottage rental is 300 pesos.

My group didn't waste time to check out the cave just after we settled our things in the cottage.

at the entrance of the sea cave
You can walk through or swim the chest deep-water to reach the entrance of the cave that is just stone's away from the shore. Beware that there are sharp rocks under the water near the entrance.
Inside the cave, the water is so cool and it's just waist-deep.

While others are still swimming and having a tan, I started to prepare our lunch with the help of our kind boatmen.

Everybody was happy after our sumptuous lunch and seems they already forget what happened in Dampalitan Beach.

We didn't stay here for long because we still have our last destination the Borawan Island which is 45 minutes boat ride. It was a quick stop over but we were all contented and happy.

I am definitely recommending this beach to everyone and if you have more time it's nice to camp out here while counting stars on a summer night.

Related Blog:
Borawan Island

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