Tuesday, December 24, 2013

There's more in Baler than Surfing

Sabang Beach
Baler -  is the second class municipality and capital of Aurora Province, Philippines. It is located about in northeast of Manila about 230 kilometer (143 miles). It is accessible by land with approximately 5-6 hours travel time from Manila.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Exploring Hundred Islands

Hundred Islands Natural Park is a unique natural attraction in Alaminos, Pangasinan. Of over 7100 islands and islets in the Philippine Archipelago 124 of which are found within the Lingayen Gulf covering an area of 16.76 square kilometers. It is also said that during high tide one islet is not visible. The islands are also home to some wildlife. Among 124 islands only 3 of them have been developed for tourism; Governor Island, Quezon Island and Children's Island. The 3 islands has available cottages for rent and comfort rooms. Day tour is often recommended if you plan to visit the park.