Tuesday, December 24, 2013

There's more in Baler than Surfing

Sabang Beach
Baler -  is the second class municipality and capital of Aurora Province, Philippines. It is located about in northeast of Manila about 230 kilometer (143 miles). It is accessible by land with approximately 5-6 hours travel time from Manila.
I listed below the top things to do in Baler.

1. Ride the Waves - Of course when you hear Baler, there's only one thing will pop up in your mind, SURFING. You can't visit Baler and not try surfing, it's a MUST. Baler is popular to surfing enthusiast because of its good waves and the town itself is facing the pacific ocean. There are several surfing areas that suited to everyone, from newbies to professional surfers. Sabang beach is highly recommended for newbies. Surfing season is from October to May.

I tried :)
2. Trace back the History - Places of interest: Museo de Baler, Doña Aurora House, Manuel L. Quezon Memorial Park, Baler Church and Ermita Hill. It is claimed that the town of Baler is a land of history and beauty. Even myself got confused when I heard from one of my friends that it is located in Quezon Province. And then I learn that it was once part of Quezon province until American Period. The earliest missionaries in the province were the Franciscans who had established the town as mission in 1609. In December 27, 1735, a tidal wave struck and completely destroyed the town. The survivors sought refugee at Ermita Hill. In 1856, the town became the capital of El Principe (Aurora). Manuel Luis Quezon was born in this town on August 19, 1878. 

Museo de Baler

Doña Aurora House
Ermita Hill

3. Explore the Coast - Baler has it's own unique gem that is waiting to be discovered. It has perfect setting of beaches, cliffs and rock formations. 

4. Hug and Climb a Tree - The Balete Tree is known as a place where creatures like tikbalang and kapre live but it is one of the source of local pride in Baler. It is also called the "Millennium Tree" because it is estimated to be around 600 years old and is 200 feet tall and still growing. It takes up to 50 people holding hands to circle the tree. The Millenniom Tree has been featured many times in local television. It is believe that someone that we don't see is taking care of the tree.
The Balete Tree

5. Visit the Waterfalls - There are several waterfalls that are worth to visit in Aurora. Due to time constraints and it requires trekking we didn't visit the one that is most popular waterfall called Mother Falls. But no sad face!! There's another one that is located just beside the road. Yup you heard it right, the Diguisit Falls. It only takes a few steps and little difficulty to climb it up.
Diguisit Falls
6. Climb the Lighthouse tower - Lighthouse in Baler is the most unique lighthouse that I've seen so far because of its triangular shape. It is located on the top of the cliff and in order to get to the cliff you need to climb 170 steps up, I'm not sure though if it is less or more 170 steps, it was my own counting. Once you've reached the top of the cliff you will be welcome by the breathtaking view. The wide pacific ocean, the cove, the rocks, and the breaking waves beneath the cliff will surely take your breath away.

The Lighthouse

7. Eat, Dine and Drink - There are also a lot of restaurants to try. Mostly they serve variety of Filipino dishes.

8. If you can't ride the waves, chase them - I enjoyed and loved playing and chasing the waves, I'm sure you will enjoy it too, just be careful though :)

9. Set back and relax - If you already did all the things listed above, just grab a book, set back and relax.

If you have other suggestions, feel free to add below.

Pictures are from my friends.