Saturday, April 25, 2015

Tam-awan Village: Getting to know more about Cordillera people

During our first visit in Baguio we regret that we missed the Tam-Awan Village. So this time with other relatives I made sure that we don't missed it.

Tam-awan Village  is a 2.5 hectare land that was built to educate young people about the history, heritage, art and culture of Cordillera people long before Baguio became a city.

After paying our entrance fees our group was given a map.
Tam-awan village map
With a map on hand, my niece and my cousin were energetic and excited to explore the village while constantly arguing who will hold the map as both of them want to bring it.
my niece and my cousin reading the map
After our first stop at Alang  I lost track of our other companions because the two kids were at fast paces in roaming the place and the adults couldn't follow them so I choose to accompany the kids.
at Alang 
The village trail was designed to adapt the natural mountainous trail of the Cordilleras  to complete your experience of the life of the Cordillera people.  I don't know how many "Be careful" and "Slowly" words came out of my mouth to remind the two kids to slow down as we explore the Tam-awan Village.

feeling lost going to 2nd view deck
There are various attractions in the village featuring various artists.

One of the attractions are the authentic huts featuring Cordilleran architecture.

What interest me more is the Dukligan hut.

Dukligan is a fertility hut where a married couple resides after a year of inability to produce a child. There's a ritual prior to the stay of the couple for a month. If after a month and still they are unable to produce a child, the couple can find another partner. The cycle is repeated of which they determine who among the couple is infertile.

The lizard symbol is believed by the people represent prosperity and good fortune and they believe to have guardian spirits who will guard the area it is places.

Another interesting hut is the Luccong.

Luccong is the hut where and elite family in Cordillera resides. 

Other attractions
giant dream catcher
giant dream catcher
"Reflect" by Mark Tandoyog - The  conceptual installation of hanging mirrors represents the reflection of one's self in the past, present and future. The tree on which the mirrors are placed represents the life cycle.
animal skulls - Cordilleran people are known to as good hunters 
one of the wood carvings
use to produce rhythmic beat and sound during traditional dance
After the tiring exploration you can chill at the cafe inside the village where various artworks are displayed.

If it is your first time in Baguio, visiting Tam-Awan Village should be your number one priority against other tourist destinations.

Entrance fee

Adult : 50 pesos

Children 9 years old and above : 25 pesos
Children below 9 years old : free
Students: 25
Senior Citizen: 25 pesos

Have you  been in Tam-awan Village? What did you learn? Share your thoughts.

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