Tuesday, June 16, 2015

MAYrinduque: Last days of Summer 2015

Maniwaya Island
If there's only few days left before the summer ends where would you like to spend it? Is it on an unspoiled island with uncrowded beach, surrounded by pristine water and not so far away from Manila that you don't need to wait for airline promo? If the answer is Yes, Maniwaya Island is for you.
Maniwaya Island is located in Sta. Cruz, Marinduque. We get there from Gen. Luna port in Lucena, which according to locals is the easiest way to reach the island. Gen. Luna port in Lucena is just 3-4 hours drive away from Manila, and from the port it's only 1 hour boat ride to the island.

General Luna port
There are available resorts to choose from in the island depending on your budget. Our group stayed over night at Wawie's Beach Resort. We also chartered a boat from Wawie's Beach Resort for 6000 pesos.

Beach front photos, see how uncrowded the beach is.

The beach front has long stretch of cream - white sands. The water is clear and there are seaweeds in the deep part of the water.

Fan room cottage good for 2 persons for 1000 pesos / night
500 pesos cottage rental for dining

inside our large cottage for 1200/night good for 4 persons (extra mattress included)
terrace of the large cottage that we occupied
the common kitchen, utensils are to free to use
the common toilet that needs improvement
In the afternoon, I decided to wander around the island and had a glimpse of the other resorts.

other resorts offer banana boat and jet ski rental

Another place not to missed is  the Palad sandbar which is just 15 minutes boat ride away from the island. Make sure to go there during low tide, ask your boatmen. Boat ride to Palad Sandbar is included to 6000 pesos for our chartered boat.

Palad Sandbar
other tourists are coming

I almost missed the sunset at Maniwaya Island because I was pre-occupied
roaming around in the other side of the island
On the next day, we went to Mompong Island, 30 minutes boat ride from Maniwaya Island. The main attraction of the island except clear waters is the Ungab rock formation. Just like Maniwaya Island, Mompong Island has cream white sand but Maniwaya Island has powdered sand while Mompong Island has pebbled sand. It is great to swim here.

Mompong Island

rock formation
spotted 'Arielle', the mermaid
There are still lot of great places to visit in Marinduque, I hope I could visit them in the future. For now I am happy that I make 'sabit' to our company's Legal Department's summer outing. I enjoyed the last remaining days of summer 2015.

How about you? Where do you spent the remaining days of summer? Do you have other place to recommend to visit in Marinduque? Your suggestions will be much appreciated :) May 30-31, 2015

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