Saturday, February 20, 2016

Discovering Real Quezon

Unfortunately, we had to cut our 3-day Polillo Island trip short due to some circumstances including bad weather. While on the way back to Real, Quezon our jump-off town going to Polillo Island we were discussing where else to do. Are we going straight home or go somewhere else?
While we were still sailing going to Ungos port from Polillo Island, I browsed in the internet from my mobile phone where to go in Real Quezon. The first place that pop-out is the "The Park" and the photos of various waterfalls. Due to slow connection while browsing in the middle of the sea I was not able to read the details on how to get there.

When we arrived in Ungos Port at around 10:30 AM, we approached the group of tricycle drivers and asked them if they can take us to "The Park" They said Php100 per head and they will take us there. I bargain for Php50 per head and most of them refused because they said it's far. But luckily, one of the drivers accepted our offer. But before going to "The Park" I asked Kuya driver (I'm sorry I forgot his name :( to bring us to a restaurant where we can eat first. He brought us to a nice, decent, clean, cheap and air-conditioned "carinderia" in the centro. He dropped us off and told us that he will return at around 12PM to pick us. Fare from Ungos port to the restaurant is Php 10 per head.

While we were having our brunch we have talked that we will ask kuya trike driver if he could be our tour guide for a half day so that we could save time looking for other tricycle driver to take us to another location. As agreed, kuya driver is already waiting for us when we go out from the restaurant around 12:15 PM.

We asked him if he is willing to be our guide and how much we should pay for the rent of the tricycle. He agreed and we settled in Php150 per head. 

The Park
Or the Pacific Recreation Kamp is camping ground near the beach that offers surfing tutorial, and tent and hut/cottages rental in Real, Quezon.The Park has only common CR for males and females. They have a mini store where you can buy some food if you are famished after surfing. 

the camping grounds
We told the owners that we will not stay longer so they allowed us to leave our bags inside their store instead of renting a cottage or a tent. 2 of my friends decided to get a surf instructor while the other 3 including myself decided to just rent a surfboard. Surfboard rental is Php200 per hour and surf instructor fee is Php300 per hour. For me the rate for instructor fee is overprice. Why? Because the 'instructors' based on my observation from my friends input they are not attentive enough to their students. 

I thought it was supposed be a one-on-one surfing instructor
but there was only one 'instructor' for this group where my friends belong
Before our surfboard is handed to us, the owner let us watch a short clip on his tablet the basic of surfing tutorial and how to properly carry the board.
the surfing site
The beach front of the camping site is rocky and not ideal for surfing. We walked around 400-500 meters from the camping site to the surfing site where we crossed a junction of the river and the sea. Crossing the river was a bit difficult because we where not familiar how deep the river is. We were advised to ride the surfboard and paddle to the other side of the river. 
see how gloomy the weather is
The weather was bad so the waves were strong and the sea was murky. I tried few times to paddle in to the sea but it was hard so I decided to just enjoy watching the other hopeful surfers.
our group photo
After surfing we informed the owner of the "The Park" that we will visit the  waterfalls but we will return to change our clothes and pick our bags.

Nonok Falls
For about 20 minutes trike ride from the "The Park' we reached the jump-off point going to Nonok Falls. From the street we trekked at least 8 minutes to the registration area where we paid Php20 per head. From the registration area is another 8-10 minute trek going to the falls. The Nonok falls is sheltered by the tick layers of leaves of the trees so everyone doesn't need to worry during hot days. We had the falls all to ourselves on that day but we did't stay for long.

On the way back to the camping site we visited another waterfalls.

Balagbag Falls
The Balagbag waterfalls is a beautiful two-tiered waterfalls. From the street we trek for about 15 minutes to waterfalls. Our trike driver asked the caretakers to waive our entrance fee of Php20 per head because it's already late in the afternoon and we will not stay for long. There were lots of tourist who were already preparing to leave when we get there. Like at Nonok falls, there are also several open cottages that are for rent.

first tier of Balabag waterfalls
The first tier of Balagbag falls from the top has also a catch basin. At closer look it's another multi-tiered waterfalls.

Before we go back to the "The PArk" we decided to eat our snacks in one of the vacant cottages near the Balagbag waterfalls then rinsed-up at "The Park" before we went back to Manila.

Being in a spontaneous trip is a less hassle for me and gives us a more sense of adventure. How about you? Have you joined a spontaneous trip that no one from your group knows the place? No itinerary but with a heart for adventure?

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