Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bolinao, Pangasinan Overnight Itinerary

at Balingasay bridge
Our Bolinao Trip last January 24-25, 2015 was the most DIY amazing trip that I ever organized so far. All of us in a group were first timers in Bolinao. Sure Iv'e been in Hundred Islands in Alaminos twice but both were day tour only. Bolinao is a name of a fish in our province in Bicol but in Pangasinan, Bolinao is a 3rd class municipality that is facing West Philippine Sea.

Friday, January 30, 2015

What to do in Bolinao, Pangasinan?

Sunset at Patar Beach
Bolinao is a name of a fish in our province in Bicol but in Pangasinan, Bolinao is a 3rd class municipality that is facing West Philippine Sea. The town of Alaminos in Pangasinan is the popular one than Bolinao because of Hundred Islands National Park but not much known to everyone, Bolinao has also lots to offer.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

My 2nd Diving Experience

my 'selfie' underwater picture

Seems everyone has enjoyed their first dive so our group has decided that we will go diving again on the next day which is Christmas day. One of the reasons we agreed is because we want to see more corals and fishes. Corals and fishes around the diving resort are few.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Crossing out Scuba Diving from my bucket list

I live in an Archipelago but I'm no good in swimming, that's the fun fact. Despite of not being a good swimmer, scuba diving is one in my buckets lists that I wanted to try since 2013.
Not knowing what to expect I was hesitant  and nervous at first.