Saturday, January 17, 2015

Crossing out Scuba Diving from my bucket list

I live in an Archipelago but I'm no good in swimming, that's the fun fact. Despite of not being a good swimmer, scuba diving is one in my buckets lists that I wanted to try since 2013.
Not knowing what to expect I was hesitant  and nervous at first.

My first scuba diving experience was in Coron Palawan last December 24, 2014. We were group of 5, my 2 cousins, my cousin's girlfriend and my cousins' friend. We were group into two based on our swimming skills, I and my cousin's girlfriend with one dive master and and my 2 cousins and their friend with another dive master.

The experience started with picking the right wet suit, weights and mask.

picking of scuba diving equipment
After picking the equipment we were asked to sign a waiver.

waiver signing
Our dive master said that basically there's no risk in diving if you are perfectly fit, know how to follow instructions and has discipline.

After signing waiver, we started some technical orientation about familiarizing with the equipment, how to communicate underwater through hand signals and some instructions.

serious discussion
changing in our wet suits
some lighter moments of orientation

The most important rule in diving is never hold your breath.

putting weights on

here we are- all geared up
The moment I started sinking, there was a panic inside my brain. I tried to control my fear and told my self that I will finished it. My motivation was I don't want to leave Coron without trying the scuba diving with a success because I paid regular air fare :D

After awhile, I feel more relax and comfortable underwater and all I hear were the bubbles that are formed when I'm exhaling and I can really breath underwater. Amazing!

As we go deeper I had 4 problems encountered.

 1. Equalization: It took me a bit of time to equalized but I manage it until my ears adjusted to the pressure.

2. Dry mouth/throat: My brain was shouting for fresh water so I signal our dive master that I need to go up and I asked for fresh water to drink and wash my mouth.

3. Blurred Mask: I didn't follow our dive master that to avoid blurry mask underwater you must spit on it and spread your saliva and wash the mask with water after. It was the most disgusting part in diving.

4. Fins: It was not an unfit fins but every time I use footwear that I am not used to or that is not mine, I got blisters.

Despite the problems that I encountered my first diving experience ended well. I was even surprised that we've spent 1 hour under the water, the time went so fast that I was just starting to enjoy the new experience and then that's it, it's done already.

I am certain that if budget is not a concern and with a bonus hunk dive master I will do it again :D

Ronie, our hunk dive master :)

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