Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Weekend in Baguio City: A mother and daughters' trip

About Baguio City...

Baguio City is the summer capital of the Philippines because of its cool climate. It's located in highlands and also called "the city of pines" because of the abundance of pine trees.
For the first time...

My sis and I have been thinking to visit Baguio City ever since. we finally made it last February 22-23, 2014. On this particular date, it is also the schedule of street dancing parade and float parade respectively as one of the highlights of Panagbenga Festival or the Flower Festival. Panagbenga Festival is being observed every February, it's a month long celebration. What’s so special about this trip is that it’s our first out of town trip together, just the 3 of us (mama, my sis and I) since my sis and I have grown up as an adult. It’s also our treat to mama's 50th birthday.

On February 21, 2014 at 8pm,we boarded Victory liner in Cubao terminal. The fare is Php450/person one way. We arrived in Baguio at around 2am, 6 hours travel time.

And our first taste of Baguio is .....(drum rollll please)..... the taho strawberry.

Taho strawberry is made of fresh soft tofu with sago (tapioca) pearls, caramelized sugar  with a flavor  of fresh strawberry locally harvested in Baguio or nearby town La Trinidad, Benguet. The  sweetness of taho strawberry is just perfect in to my taste buds...Deliciouso

And the following is the series of activities that we witnessed, and the places that we went to.

Street Dancing Parade...

Burnham Park...

The Mansion...
 nothing much to see here :(

Mines View Park...
here  as well :(

   Night market bazaar at Session Road...

Float Parade on day 2...

Strawberry Farm...

The Pasalubongs...

grin :D         
Bell Church...

Baguio City Cathedral Church...

The stars of Panagbenga Festival...

The locals of Baguio City...

In general, the locals of Baguio City are warm, kindhearted and hospitable. Taxi drivers are helpful and will return your exact change. Flat rate is only 35 pesos.

Our Hotel...

From Victory Liner terminal in Baguio we took a taxi going to our Hotel, the Hotel Henrico located in Legarda. Though our check-in time is 12pm, we asked the receptionist if we could check in already as early as 3 am and he said that we will add Php2000. What??? That will cost us almost a night because our reservation is Php2300/night for 3 persons. So we decided to look for another cheap lodging house for at least 3 hours of stay. 

The room we occupied at Hotel Henrico is at ground floor, it was spacious with two double beds, and tv set and no aircon (of course it's cold in Baguio). I've been reading bad reviews about the hotel so upon entering the room, we checked the bathroom first and we're glad that it's clean and heater is working. The staff provided us 1 big shampoo (already opened) and 6 pcs soap, and 6 clean towels.

The breakfast on the next day is ordinary. Options are one serving of tapsilog, tocilog or longsilog and unlimited coffee from 6am-10am. The staffs are fast and helpful. We check-out after breakfast and the staff agreed to leave our stuffs that we will pick-up in the afternoon. It's an average hotel.

Our overall experience in Baguio was tiring, great fun and very memorable. I will definitely go back to Baguio on ordinary weekends.

A Weekend in Baguio City: Dining Experience

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