Friday, December 18, 2015

Callao Cave in Peñablanca, Cagayan

a chapel inside Callao Cave
The name Callao was derived from a name of a bird, Kalaw which is abundant and residing inside the cave long time ago. Callao cave is composed of seven chambers and the most accessible among the 300 caves in Tuguegarao, Cagayan and also the most popular cave in the area.

I've never been in to northern-eastern part of the Philippines so as suggested by a friend for my 2015 birthday trip I organized Tuguegarao-Sta. Ana, Cagayan Trip. I first saw the Callao cave chapel on the local movie, from then I already research how to get there long before this trip.

How we get there?
From Quezon City we rode a Victory bus at Kamias Terminal going to Tuguegarao City. Our travel time was exactly 10 hours. From Victory bus Terminal in Tuguegarao City we rented a tricycle for 600 pesos (back and forth) for 5 persons going to Peñablanca Cagayan where Callao cave is located. Tricycle ride was approximately 1.5 hours.
Here's the fare of Victory bus line bound to Tuguegarao as of December 2015

This is where the tour begins.

Callao cave entrance fee is fixed but guide fee/tip is not mandatory but everyone is encourage to give to help the locals specially if the guide is a student.

Before you could reach the entrance of the cave you have to climb the 184 steps of stairs if I remember it correctly. At the top you will be welcomed by the huge mouth opening of the cave.
the steps going to the entrance of the cave
The first chamber you'll visit is called Aviary, this is where the oldest remains (Hominin Fossil) of a man in the Philippines was found last 2007 changing the history of the oldest remains of a man in the Philippines that was found in Tabon cave in Palawan.

this is where the remains found
The main attraction inside the cave is the Divine chamber where it was transformed into a chapel. The area is spacious and once a week there's a Catholic mass held in this chapel.

the altar
Other attractions inside the cave are the different  natural rock formations. Try to recognize the formations below.

half body skeleton
our guide said this is a fallen liver
do you see an about to kiss  animal formations?

1. If you are coming from Manila to Tuguegarao City tell the bus driver to drop you off at Peñablanca town instead of alighting  at  their bus terminal in Tuguegarao City because the bus will pass Peñablanca before Tuguegarao City. This will save you time and fare. From Peñablanca you can ride a tricycle going to Callao cave.
2. If you are in a group rent a tricycle (back and forth rent) but don't forget to haggle. The driver may charged you as much as 1000 pesos from Tuguegarao City. Originally, the tricycle driver told us that it's up to us how much we will give him and we told him 500 pesos, he says No and asked us 150 pesos per head. In the end we settled in 600 pesos.
3. Trails are already established but I still recommend to wear comfortable footwear and if you visit in the afternoon, bring head lamp with you.
4. They also offer river cruise, if you have enough time try it and you might see hundreds of bats especially late in the afternoon.

Here's my complete Cagayan Valley blog:

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