Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Learn To Swim: My swimming lesson

Outdoor pool at Philippine Sports Complex (Ultra)
I love being in water, whether in to the sea, river or lake but I don't know the proper way or technique of swimming. Even I can do floating my biggest problem is I am not confident enough to go in the deeper part of the water without life vest or life saving ring. I only swim in to shallow part of the water where I can still stand and my foot still touching the sea or river or pool floor. But then later, I learned that I can do more beyond the shoreline.

As early as January 2015 I started looking for a cheap swimming lesson as part of my agreement with special someone that I will enroll  a swimming lesson. Luckily, Swimplus Phil Amateur Club in partnership with Ensogo Phil. offered a discounted rate for swimming lesson so I didn't hesitate to grab this deal. For 5 sessions, 2 hours per session I paid 2088 pesos, the discounted rate is 2399 pesos for one person but I got additional 311 pesos discount for downloading and using the Ensogo mobile app for the first time. They offered group discount too for as low as 1499 for 5 sessions for 3 persons. 

Additional cost:

60 pesos - swimming pool entrance fee
20 pesos - locker rental

Schedule and Venue: Philippine Sports Complex (Ultra) every Sunday, 2 - 4 PM.

My uniform: rash guard, sports bra, boyleg shorts,googles and swimming cap
Session 1

Our coach, showing us the proper position
On the first session, we did some stretching exercise before we jump-in into the pool. Then followed by making bubbles, lots of it. After our first session, I learned gliding from pushing from the wall, gliding from pushing from the floor, proper position of arms and head, breathing technique, flutter kick with arm breaststrokes and intro to breaststroke cycle.

Session 2

On our second session up to the last, we did not do stretching anymore. Our warm-up exercise were making bubbles and gliding. On second session we were taught the complete cycle of arm breaststrokes, breathing and whip-kick which I never had an idea before.

We were also taught how to swim like a dog and back floating which both I already knew before enrolling. We were also brought in to a deeper part of the pool to learn the water threading which also I already knew before but I didn't know how it is called. This is where our coach asked me if I did take swimming lesson before because I am a fast learner and seems like I was born a swimmer. 

Session 3

First hour of our third session was a mere 'polishing' of all the things we've learned in the past two sessions.Our coach gave us tips on how to perfect our execution of breaststroke. Then after the first hour we proceed in learning the freestyle which I found very difficult. I found hard to synchronize my movement. That's why there's a saying that 'practice makes perfect' right? 

Session 4

Our fourth session was fun, at least for me. We were taught pin drop, swimming like a dolphin and swimming under the water almost kissing the floor. We were also given a goal to finish  at least one lap without stopping in the middle.
Session 5

On our last session it was like we were on our own. Everyone can already swim without our coach guidance. The last thing our coach teaches us was proper diving which I didn't try. Why I didn't? Hmmmm I simply discovered I'm afraid of falling.

Overall, it was fun learning experience. My classmates were nice and accommodating even we were not properly introduce before we started our session. Coach Gari was great swimmer. I just wish that Swimplus Phil Amateur Club has training materials that they can lend to their students. 

Ahhh I can't wait to practice more. I love breaststrokes.

Photos are from Facebook page of Swimplus Phil Amateur Club

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