Saturday, December 19, 2015

The lone crocodile in Crocodile Island

Crocodile Island is part of our boat tour around Palaui Island. The island is just 15 minutes away from port of San Vicente. The name of the island is derived from the rock formation that resembles the mouth of crocodile but it's offcial name is Manidad Island. There's no living crocodile in the island.

After our trek to Baratubut falls in Punta Verde our boatmen dropped us off in Crocodile Island as they headed back to San Vicente to get our lunch. 

While waiting for our lunch we took the opportunity to explore the relatively small island.
closer look of the rock formation
There are lots of dried small tree branches, damage corals, shells and even plastic garbage that had been washed ashore in the island from the nearby residential area.

There is no vegetation in the island but still perfect for photo session.

If I wasn't hungry, I'm sure I will not leave the island without swimming here because of it's cream white beach and the water around the island is clear despite the gloomy weather.

We just ate our lunch here and we headed back to Palaui Island to see the famous Cape Engaño ligthouse.

Here's my complete Cagayan Valley blog:

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